Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Hello Again; Collection Update #3: Heavy Metal

It has been months, but I'm back.  A lot has happened, but little has changed.  I'm on a job hunt, trying to escape New York City (again);  I actually took a *gasp* vacation; just last week I think I may have actually gone on a date, with a beautiful dancer; and my survival-job injuries are just as bad, if not worse, than they were when I was undergoing physical therapy for them, last January.

So, since it's been a while, and I want to finally put them away, here's another update to The Collection!

A few months ago, I finally splurged, and picked up some items I've wanted for a long time:

18" Metal Ruler

Length: 18" (clearly)
Width: 1 3/16ths"
Thickness:  < 1/16th"

I love rulers as spanking toys, and this one is especially stingy!  Stainless Steel, it's thin and flexible, yet sturdy, and long enough to add swing strength!

Perforated Turner (Spatula)

Length: 8" + 5" handle
Width: 3"
Thickness: Less than I can measure.

Stainless steel, with fairly sharp beveled edges, so this one needs to be handled with care.  6 sets of triple 1/4" holes add to the sting.

Icing Spatula

Length: 10" + 5" handle
Width: widest = 1 1/2"; tapers to 1 1/8th"
Thickness: 1 cm

Stainless steel, even thinner than the ruler, and a little more pliable.

This. Thing. Stings!

This spatula is perfect for a quick, hard punishment, or to put the icing on the cake (figuratively, and literally).

Now the poor, unused toys can rest with their siblings, in the dark drawer of loneliness.  Someday, little metal friends......someday......